General Guide

1.First step

Apply 3DtoPatterns geonode to imported source garment. Make sure to apply rotation and scale so it lays flat on the floor.

Also make sure that all the UV islands are seperate, not overlapping, not merged if not supposed to. (That sometimes happens when using mirror instance for patterns in Marvelous Designer – in that case just edit UVs in UV editor)

2.Start retopo

Drop RetopoMain asset into the scene and pick the flattened garment in Cloth Pattern selection and you’re ready to go. It is your starting kit to begin retopology.

All planes in RetopoPlanes collection will serve as guide for the retopology.

Grab the plane and start retopo!

You can add cuts with knife tool, extrude edges, duplicate faces. Only limitation is that Retopo Planes only works with quads – so no tris, no ngons.

I recommend pinning the RetopoPlanes geonode modifier in the panel on right so all the settings are available while editing.

3. Apply Modifier

Once you apply RetopoPlanes modifier all the helpers and patterns will be gone and you’re left with retopo mesh with transferred details. You can then retrieve subdivs with multires modifier or in Zbrush with reconstruct subdivs. Final mesh will have UVs same as source garment.